Study # 2
August 10, 2003
Lincolnton, N.C.
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Note:  Much of this study outline is a repetition of the first one because the first study bogged down in the actual presentation of it so that I had to simply pick up where I left off. Thesis:  A theophile is a person who has matured to the point that what God wants is more important than what he/she wants.. Introduction:  In our introductory study last week, we saw that Luke claimed that he was adding his effort to that of the many, and that he had an audience of one for his labors. We also began to look into the significance of Luke's audience of one. We saw that names have meaning as we looked into the meaning of the name of Jesus. In reference to the name of Jesus, we need to understand that the salvation that He was going to provide was not like a box of money found along the side of the road which had no owner. Rather, the salvation that He was going to provide was a freely given invitation to enter into the relational realm of life. This means that salvation is not about being set free to continue to pursue life as one always has -- sans the negative consequences; rather, it is about being set free to enter into a new and different experience that has a relational harmony with God at its very roots and at its furtherest branches. In other words, the foundation and the objective of God's offer of salvation in Jesus is relational harmony between God and His people and between His people and His people. Any understanding of salvation that does not have this root and fruit is a false understanding. This morning we are going to pursue this reality as we continue to look into the significance of Luke's audience of one.