Chapter # 1 Paragraph # 2 Study # 9
February 16, 2014
Dayton, Texas
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<019> Thesis: The evidence of "election" is what happens when the Gospel is proclaimed. Introduction: In our last study, we looked at Paul's concept of "election" and saw that it has to do with God making choices before the foundation of the world on the basis of "grace". In Paul's words, "the purpose of God according to the election of grace stands, not on the basis of works, but on the basis of God's call" (Romans 11:5 and 9:11). In Paul's logic, this is the only way God's purpose has any "hope" of fulfillment and, since 1 and 2 Thessalonians are all about keeping "hope" alive and vibrant, we are not surprised to see him making it a part of his argument. According to 1 Thessalonians 1:4, there are three major realities that are united: God's "election" of men; their subsequent state of being "beloved"; and their ultimate identity as "brethren". Since "brethren" are the major fulfillment of the promise of Eternal Life in regard to the soul, this is no small matter. Since being "beloved of God" is the major fulfillment of the promise of Eternal Life in regard to the spirit, this also makes the issue no small matter. Thus, we are looking at a major issue for keeping hope alive and vibrant. This evening we are going to look into Paul's rationale for making the claim that he "knows" of the "election" of the Thessalonians: his claim is that the evidence of "election" is what happens when the Gospel is proclaimed.